Been a victim of crime?
There have been two long running Government Schemes to cover the above stemming from the dark days of the Troubles but it is not widely appreciated that these Schemes remain in place and there is compensation available for victims of crime in certain circumstances where the perpetrators are unknown or as is likely do not have insurance or monies to cover compensation.
There are very strict rules and the claims take some time in which to be processed, however, it is worth speaking to your Solicitor if you have been the victim of such an incident. It is a common misperception there needs to be 3 or more people involved in an attack upon a person. This is not the case so if for example you were attacked at night by an unknown assailant you should report the matter to the Police immediately, co-operate fully, seek medical attention promptly and contact your Solicitor for the claim to be filed.
It is criminal damage claims for example malicious damage to a vehicle or a property such as arson which would usually require some evidence of 3 or more people being involved.